imam eno vprašanje, morda pa bo nasvet prišel prav še
kakšni tvoji fenici :).
Skratka v Intimissimiju sem si kupila tole oblekico, https://it.intimissimi.com/product/vestito-manica-corta-in-plisse/159722.uts?productId=159722&type=product
, ki se pravzaprav konča malo nad koleni. Barva mi je bolje pristajala kot
črna, ampak zdaj mi pa obleka že nekaj časa visi v omari, ker ne vem, kako naj
jo skombiniram za čez dan ali zvečer. V službi dresscode ni tako strog, tako da
bi jo lahko v primerni kombinaciji nosila tudi za službo… samo kakšni ?? Imam
temno rjave lase in lešnikove oči. Vesela bom tvojega odgovora :)!!
Pa lep začetek tedna, Urša
imam eno vprašanje, morda pa bo nasvet prišel prav še
kakšni tvoji fenici :).
Skratka v Intimissimiju sem si kupila tole oblekico, https://it.intimissimi.com/product/vestito-manica-corta-in-plisse/159722.uts?productId=159722&type=product
, ki se pravzaprav konča malo nad koleni. Barva mi je bolje pristajala kot
črna, ampak zdaj mi pa obleka že nekaj časa visi v omari, ker ne vem, kako naj
jo skombiniram za čez dan ali zvečer. V službi dresscode ni tako strog, tako da
bi jo lahko v primerni kombinaciji nosila tudi za službo… samo kakšni ?? Imam
temno rjave lase in lešnikove oči. Vesela bom tvojega odgovora :)!!
Pa lep začetek tedna, Urša
Živjo Urša,
hvala za zanimivo vprašanje. Osebno se mi oblekica zdi zelo luštna in sploh ne
problematična za kombiniranje ;)! Pripravila sem dve različni kombinaciji, eno
bolj klasično, ki vključuje obleko, suknjič/bomber jaknico v modro-petrolejskih
odtenkih, črne debele žabe in gležnjarje s peto. Kombinacija je primerna za v
tvojo službo, saj praviš, da nimate strogega kodeksa oblačenja, a je vseeno
dovolj elegantna za poslovno priložnost. Jaknico bi na tvojem mestu nosila
odpeto. Kombinacija 1 vključuje: obleko Intimissimi, bomber jaknico Promod in
gležnjarje Nero Giardini.
hvala za zanimivo vprašanje. Osebno se mi oblekica zdi zelo luštna in sploh ne
problematična za kombiniranje ;)! Pripravila sem dve različni kombinaciji, eno
bolj klasično, ki vključuje obleko, suknjič/bomber jaknico v modro-petrolejskih
odtenkih, črne debele žabe in gležnjarje s peto. Kombinacija je primerna za v
tvojo službo, saj praviš, da nimate strogega kodeksa oblačenja, a je vseeno
dovolj elegantna za poslovno priložnost. Jaknico bi na tvojem mestu nosila
odpeto. Kombinacija 1 vključuje: obleko Intimissimi, bomber jaknico Promod in
gležnjarje Nero Giardini.
(kombinacija 1, kolaž: Tina Martinec Selan)
Druga kombinacija je malce bolj ‘odštekana’ in manj formalna, v njej pa čez oblekico
lahko daš pulover, tako da bo obleka pravzaprav videti kot krilo. (Tisti, ki
redno spremljate moj blog in moje delo, veste, da zelo zagovarjam to, da mora
biti eno oblačilo nosljivo na različne načine in da prav s kombinacijo drugih
kosov in modnih dodatkov lahko dvignemo ali spustimo raven formalnosti.)
Geometrijski vzorec je letos zelo ‘in’, zanimivi puloverji pa so na modni
sceni že kar nekaj let, tako da lahko rečemo, da gre že skorajda za neke vrste
klasiko. Kombinacija 2 je sestavljena iz: obleke Intimissimi, puloverja
Max&co in gležnjarjev Gamloong.
Upam, da sem razrešila tvojo zadrego glede kombiniranja oblekice in da ti
bosta kombinaciji služili kot dober navdih!
(kombinacija 2, kolaž: Tina Martinec Selan)
I’ve got a question regarding this dress I’ve recently bought in Intimissimi: https://it.intimissimi.com/product/vestito-manica-corta-in-plisse/159722.uts?productId=159722&type=product.
It ends just above the knees. The teal colour suited me better than black, but
now it sits in my closet as I have no idea how to style it for day and/or
night. The dresscode at my work is not very strict, so I could wear the dress
for work if only I knew the right combo. My hair is dark brown and I have hazel
eyes. I’m looking forward to your answer!
Have a great beggining of the week, Urša
I’ve got a question regarding this dress I’ve recently bought in Intimissimi: https://it.intimissimi.com/product/vestito-manica-corta-in-plisse/159722.uts?productId=159722&type=product.
It ends just above the knees. The teal colour suited me better than black, but
now it sits in my closet as I have no idea how to style it for day and/or
night. The dresscode at my work is not very strict, so I could wear the dress
for work if only I knew the right combo. My hair is dark brown and I have hazel
eyes. I’m looking forward to your answer!
Have a great beggining of the week, Urša
Hi Urša,
thank your for your interesting question. Personally I find the dress really
pretty and not dificult to wear at all! Here I have prepared two different
combos. The first one is classic with the teal dress, a bomber jacket, black
opaque tights and heeled ankle booties. This combination is suited for work
because it is formal enough for a workplace that hasn’t got too strict
dresscode as you told me. I would wear the (bomber) jacket unzipped. The first
combination: Intimissimi dress, Promod bomber, tights, Nero Giardini booties.
thank your for your interesting question. Personally I find the dress really
pretty and not dificult to wear at all! Here I have prepared two different
combos. The first one is classic with the teal dress, a bomber jacket, black
opaque tights and heeled ankle booties. This combination is suited for work
because it is formal enough for a workplace that hasn’t got too strict
dresscode as you told me. I would wear the (bomber) jacket unzipped. The first
combination: Intimissimi dress, Promod bomber, tights, Nero Giardini booties.
The other combination is more youthful and casual. In this
combination, you put a sweatshirt over the dress so the dress actually looks
like a skirt. (As you know, I always say that one piece of clothing must be versatile
enough to wear it in different combinations to get different results; this can
be achieved by various other pieces as well as accessories.) The geometric
pattern is very much on trend this season while smart sweatshirts have almost
become a classic in the past few years. Combination 2: Intimissimi dress,
Max&co sweatshirt, tights, Gamloong ankle boots. I hope you get some great
ideas about how to style your fab new dress!
combination, you put a sweatshirt over the dress so the dress actually looks
like a skirt. (As you know, I always say that one piece of clothing must be versatile
enough to wear it in different combinations to get different results; this can
be achieved by various other pieces as well as accessories.) The geometric
pattern is very much on trend this season while smart sweatshirts have almost
become a classic in the past few years. Combination 2: Intimissimi dress,
Max&co sweatshirt, tights, Gamloong ankle boots. I hope you get some great
ideas about how to style your fab new dress!
(Translated by: Tina Martinec Selan)