
Službena ‘uniforma’ za pomembne sestanke/Work uniform for important meetings

Pogosto se zgodi, da se nam zjutraj še kako mudi v službo,
pa ravno takrat, ko nas čaka zares pomemben sestanek ali predstavitev. V
jutranji naglici brskamo po omari in mečemo ven napol zmečkane ‘popoldanske’
majice, iščemo oprane in cele najlonke ter v zadnjem hipu še loščimo čevlje, da
spravimo stran ostanke blata izpred nekaj dni. Znano?

Izkušene poslovne ženske, ki imajo stvari naštudirane, prisegajo na t.i. uniformo, ki jo imajo vedno
pripravljeno v omari za primere, ko se je treba v najkrajšem času urediti za primerno službeno priložnost. Gre za kombinacijo zvestih in preizkušenih kosov,
ki je v omari obešena skupaj, tako da
jo lahko skorajda miže in še v temi potegnejo ven in jo oblečejo ter so v hipu
urejene, brez da bi morale v glavi sestavljati kombinacijo. Seveda pa različne
ženske prisegajo na različne poslovne outfite. Nekatere posežejo po ravno
krojenem krilu in puloverju na V iz kašmirja, medtem ko druge vedno znova
zaupajo hlačnemu kostimu in srajci. Možnosti je kar precej.

Svetujem, da imate tudi ve v omari pripravljeni 2 različni kombinaciji za
situacije, ki od vas zahtevajo, da se v trenutku poslovno uredite. Kombinaciji
sta seveda odvisni od tega, katere kose imate doma, podajam pa dva predloga v
sliki. Ena kombinacija vsebuje obleko do kolen, odličen suknjič, najlonke in
salonarje. Druga kombinacija pa je sestavljena iz dobro krojenih hlač, posebne bluze
in čevljev z vezalkami. Če boste poskrbele, da bodo kosi po vsakem nošenju
čisti (za tiste stvari, ki ne potrebujejo pogostega pranja, svetujem vsaj, da
jih čez noč prezračite v nevtralnem prostoru ali še bolje na svežem zraku) in
sproti popravile morebitne manjše nepravilnosti, potem ni razloga, da bi se še
kdaj zgodaj zjutraj znašle v zadregi, kaj obleči na pomemben sestanek, kjer
morate narediti zares dober vtis. 

 (kolaž: Tina Martinec Selan)
(kolaž: Tina Martinec Selan)

Sometimes we’re in the biggest hurry when we
have the most important meeting or presentation to attend. There we are, in the
middle of the morning rush, digging through our wardrobe to find a presentable
top and tights that aren’t torn. Often there are miliseconds of
time left to remove mud stains from the shoes we’re about to wear. Sounds

And yet there are seasoned  women who
have the art of bussiness dressing mastered and they know one thing: you need a ‘uniform’ for days when
there is an especially important meeting in front of you, so you don’t have to
figure it all out every single time again and again. This uniform should
consist of your trusted, reliable
workwear pieces
which you hang in your
closet together as an outfit
. That way, you can reach for it and find
everything in one place even when you might still be half asleep. No math, no
new combos, just a reliable workwear outfit that you know looks good on you and
you look good in it. For some women this means a pencil skirt and a cashmere
v-neck while for the others, it is a suit and a shirt that does the trick.
There are quite a few options.

The best way to do this is to prepare yourself two different outfit combinations
fot situations that demand being ‘office-perfect’ in just a few minutes.
The exact combinations ofcourse depend on what you actually own and what
flatters you, but here are two suggestions. The first outfit is based on a
shift dress, well-cut blazer, sheer tights and courts. The second outfit
consists of well-cut trousers, slightly special blouse/top and oxfords. Make
sure all the pieces are cleaned after every wear (for the items that don’t need
cleaning, at least freshen them up by hanging them in the fresh air for one day)
and repair anything that needs repairing. This way, there will be no reason for
that early morning »OMG, what do I wear for today’s presentation??« situation

(Translated by: Tina Martinec Selan)
