nič za obleči …«
»Kar naenkrat je moje življenje tako komplicirano – dva majhna otroka in nova
služba – da mi ne ostane niti trohica energije za kombiniranje oblačil …«
»Imam zahtevno službo in čisto nič časa za hojo po trgovinah …«
»Naveličana sem tega, da sem ves čas v istih kavbojkah, istih dveh majicah in
supergah …«
»Po tretji zaporedni porodniški sem nenadoma ugotovila, da v službo ne morem v
trenirki in jopi s kapuco! Na pomoooooč! …«
name po pomoč. Različne življenjske situacije zahtevajo zase veliko časa in
energije, za zunanji videz (priznajmo, da je zelo pomemben) pa pogosto ne ostane ne časa ne energije. Pa tako
rade bi bile urejene, saj tudi urejen videz prispeva k samozavesti na delovnem
mestu in v vsakdanjih okoliščinah.
S svetovanjem ‘Odglavedopet’ tudi oblačenje postane užitek! Barvno svetovanje
vam enkrat za vselej razloži, katere so vaše najboljše barve ter vam tako
dolgoročno prihrani denar za zgrešene nakupe. Med pregledom garderobe naredimo številne nove kombinacije iz oblačil
in dodatkov, ki jih že imate v svoji omari. Morebiten nakupovalni seznam pa
uresničimo pri skupnem nakupovanju –
pa brez skrbi, najtežje delo (izbiro oblačil) opravim sama, vi le pridete,
pomerite in kupite, kar vam je všeč.
Mogoče pa tako stilsko preobrazbo
potrebujejo in sanjajo vaša mama, sestra, svakinja, prijateljica, sodelavka …?
Z Odglavedopet oblačenje postane užitek, vaš stil pa bodo vsi hvalili!
of clothes and I still have nothing to wear …«
»Suddenly, with two small kids and a demanding job, my life has got so
complicated that I don’t have any spare energy nor time for combining outfits
»My job is so stressful and time-consuming that I have no time left for
shopping …«
»I’m fed up with myself, being stuck in the same pair of jeans, two t-shirts and
old sneakers all the time …«
»After three maternity leaves here I am, suddenly painfully aware of not being
able to wear my tracksuit & hoodie to work! Heeeeeeelp! …«
send me, asking for my help. We’re put in different life situations that take
all our time and energy on a daily basis, so that there is simply no time and
energy left for our looks (which, let’s face it, is also quite important). And yet we want to look good and feel good, too,
because this has a huge influence on our work-and-private-life confidence.
‘Odglavedopet’ style counselling which makes your dressing easy and full of
satisfaction! Colour analysis will
once and for all explain to you all your best colours, so there will be no more
failed purchases. Wardrobe detox
will result in numerous new outfit combinations based solely on clothes and
accessories you already own! For the
eventual new purchases there is personal
shopping where I take care of the difficult part (the choosing) and you
simply show up, try clothes on and buy whatever you like.
Maybe it’s not you, but your sister, mum, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, friend
or colleague that need and dream of such style
transformation? Odglavedopet makes dressing a pleasure, so that everybody
will compliment you on your fabulous style …
Ali lahko poveš še koliko tako svetovanje stane?
Simona, oglasi se mi na, da pošljem cenik storitev :)!