“You never
get a second chance to make a first impression.”
get a second chance to make a first impression.”
Ste vedeli, da je prvi vtis najpomembnejši, ker ga nikoli ne
morete ponoviti? Kar 93% prvega vtisa je sestavljenega iz neverbalne
komunikacije (deloma iz zvena in tona glasu, deloma iz govorice telesa, drže in
naše zunanjosti) – to pomeni, da ob prvem stiku z nekom, ki ga ne poznamo, naše
besede zavzemajo le borih 7% celotnega vtisa! Vse ostalo je torej vizualna
zaznava. Po domače povedano: sogovornik, ki nas prvič vidi, nas dodobra
‘prečekira’ že ob vstopu v prostor in/ali stisku roke (ta naj bo ravno prav
močan) ter si o nas ustvari vtis, še preden pravzaprav sploh odpremo usta.
(foto: getsidekick.com)
Če torej ob prvem srečanju z nadrejenim, podrejenim, novim poslovnim
partnerjem, novo stranko, …, poskrbimo za pravi vizualni vtis, smo naredili
ogromno! In obratno – že majhne malenkosti lahko uničijo sicer skrbno pripravljeno
predstavitev ali nastop. Še več, včasih odločajo tudi o tako pomembni stvari,
kot je, ali bomo dobili službo ali ne …
Zato nekaj nasvetov, kaj ja in kaj ne, če želimo narediti dober prvi vtis v
naslednjih situacijah: razgovor za službo, prvi dan v službi, predstavitev
projekta pred novimi partnerji in strankami, javni nastop (pred večjim številom
ljudi), spoznavanje novih potencialnih strank, srečanje novega nadrejenega in
1. Poskrbimo za brezhibno
stanje oblačil – oblačila naj bodo čista,
zlikana, brez vonja, brez potrganih
nitk ali odpadlih gumbov, čevlji naj bodo očiščeni.
2. Izberimo kombinacijo oblačil, ki nam maksimalno pristaja
tako po barvi kot po modelu.
tako po barvi kot po modelu.
3. Izberimo oblačila, v katerih se dobro počutimo, ker se nelagodje opazi!
4. Izberimo oblačila in dodatke, ki so primerni priložnosti in/ali delovnemu mestu. Če smo v dvomih, se raje uredimo malce bolj kot premalo in raje bolj
formalno kot preveč sproščeno.
formalno kot preveč sproščeno.
5. Ne preizkušajmo
novih kombinacij oziroma kombinacij, ki so zelo drugačne od našega
siceršnjega stila, to rezervirajmo za sproščene popoldanske ali večerne
prilike. Enako velja za novosti na področju makeupa, tudi to naj bo rezervirano
za druge prilike.
novih kombinacij oziroma kombinacij, ki so zelo drugačne od našega
siceršnjega stila, to rezervirajmo za sproščene popoldanske ali večerne
prilike. Enako velja za novosti na področju makeupa, tudi to naj bo rezervirano
za druge prilike.
6. Tik pred samim dogodkom preverimo očitne stvari, kot so:
da nimamo strganih hlačnih nogavic, da nam srajca ne štrli izza pasu hlač, da
imamo kravato poravnano, da nimamo hrane med zobmi ali šminke na zobeh, …
da nimamo strganih hlačnih nogavic, da nam srajca ne štrli izza pasu hlač, da
imamo kravato poravnano, da nimamo hrane med zobmi ali šminke na zobeh, …
(foto: cutlerpr.co)
“You never get a
second chance to make a first impression.”
second chance to make a first impression.”
Did you know that first impression is the most important
because you can never repeat it? A whopping 93% of our first impression in
taken by non-verbal communication, partly from body language, the tone of voice
etc, and the other part of our appearance. This means that our words only sum
up to 7% when meeting someone for the first time! To translate: the person we’re
meeting for the first time actually ‘checks us out’ head to toe in the first
couple of seconds of our meeting, before we even open our mouth to greet
him/her and introduce ourselves.
because you can never repeat it? A whopping 93% of our first impression in
taken by non-verbal communication, partly from body language, the tone of voice
etc, and the other part of our appearance. This means that our words only sum
up to 7% when meeting someone for the first time! To translate: the person we’re
meeting for the first time actually ‘checks us out’ head to toe in the first
couple of seconds of our meeting, before we even open our mouth to greet
him/her and introduce ourselves.
Therefore, if we make sure the first impression we make on our business
meeting, conference, exam, job interview etc, is the right one, we have done
quite a lot to make things successful. On the other hand, one doesn’t need much
to interrupt good first impression as there are small details that can make or
break the look.
For the important occassions such as job interview, first day at a new job,
meeting your boss for the first time, giving speech in front of a (big or small)
crowd, presentation at a conference, meeting new bussiness partners or new
clients …, here are DO’S and DONT’S:
1. Make sure your clothes are in immaculate condition: clean, ironed, without smell. Take care of
stray buttons and any torn threads and clean your shoes.
stray buttons and any torn threads and clean your shoes.
2. Choose an outfit that is a really flattering colour and cut for you.
3. Choose an outfit that makes you feel good because people
notice when you’re not comfortable!
notice when you’re not comfortable!
4. Choose clothes that are suitable for the occasion and/or your workplace. When in doubt, it
is better to be overdressed than underdressed, better to be more formal rather than
not formal enough.
is better to be overdressed than underdressed, better to be more formal rather than
not formal enough.
5. Do not try new
outfit combinations or new style for such occasions. Try new things when
going out in the afternoon or for a date night. The same applies to makeup and
outfit combinations or new style for such occasions. Try new things when
going out in the afternoon or for a date night. The same applies to makeup and
6. Right before the important moment, check the most obvious and make sure that: you don’t have a hole
in your pantyhose, your shirt is tucked into your trousers, your tie is straight,
there is no food between your teeth or lipstick on your teeth etc.
in your pantyhose, your shirt is tucked into your trousers, your tie is straight,
there is no food between your teeth or lipstick on your teeth etc.
(Translated by: Tina Martinec Selan)
(foto: pinterest.com)